If you want a child to learn to walk, take them to a swimming pool a lot. I heard this legend that kids in fishing villages and other primitive settlements near the ocean or the water can learn to walk at one month old. I halfway believe it.
Kids are born wanting to be fish. The same reflex that stops us from breathing in when our faces are covered with liquids is completely present in everyone even before birth. That’s what stops us from drowning in the womb. So from the second they pop out kids know not to breath in underwater.
But I was too chicken to let my daughter go underwater until she was six months old. However, for a long time before that I was taking her to the wading pool, and that made a world of difference. Just having that little bit of support — and it is just a little bit, because babies are very dense at the beginning and will sink like a stone — makes an enormous difference to their developing muscles and sense of balance. It’s amazing how little things help.