From the internet:
“Pat, your use of derogatory term of tea bagger is racist toward white people.”
Since this is my blog, let’s take a second to unpack the stark and staring lunacy of this statement. Most of it comes from the troubling assumptions that the dominant culture gets to decide what’s racist, and then gets to change its mind. Nobody minded being called a Tea Bagger when they were, ya know, calling themselves Tea Baggers. It’s been about five years. You can’t just decide, overnight, that the name and term that YOU CAME UP WITH is suddenly racist.
As a matter of fact, white people, you don’t really get to decide what’s racist at all. Shut up and listen for once. If somebody whose had a hard time because of their skin tells you something’s racist, you should strongly incline in the direction of believing them.
If you doubted that Stop and Frisk was real, now is the time to consider that maybe you have been Wrong About Everything.