Posts Tagged ‘feef’
So I finally got around to it and started to study Jack Kirby. I think I sort of get it, a little better, now, mostly, sort of. One thing is that he liked to fill every inch with texture, to the point where it doesn’t even look good. So far I’ve noticed that he was really, really good at outlining bones and muscle groups with hard, flat planes. So that pretty much puts the kibosh on the idea that he didn’t know anatomy. You gotta actually know where the bone goes to put that precise squiggle there, and if it works any other way I’d like to know about it.
Crossposting has been quite wack for this series so far, I swear to you I’m working on it, I desperately need to take a course in web design and get this stuff on track. In the mean time, here are the nine panels of Feef that I’ve published so far:
Gewel and I are going to have our first child at home. It is expensive. It is extremely expensive. It costs $3,000, I guess taxes are included, if not, it costs more.
If you feel like lifting some of this burden from our economic life, please, feel free.
It must be a little odd to hear me talking about the kid as the same time as I’m posting this terrible story about a kid in danger, but hey, keeps it interesting.
Having kids means a lot of worrying. The kid isn’t even here yet and I feel a little overwhelmed. Don’t ask me how people do it, because I already know how people do it. They just get used to the feeling of being in over their head all the time, and the grace of life carries them along, except when it doesn’t, and when it doesn’t that’s just too bad. I understand that, but I’m not exactly looking forward to it. There’s one amazing thing about being single and lonely and meaningless in this world; you aren’t responsible for anyone else. I always knew this without knowing what it meant.
Vermin Supreme did not win. Here in Travis County, they didn’t even record my vote for him. It turns out that only pre-registered write-in candidates are allowed in Texas.
I am sure this is evidence of some ancient and epic fraud but who knows how long ago, coulda been Sam Houston did this to freeze out a shipwrecked Horatio Hornblower who mighta won it if not for this specific shenanigan.
Anyway, it’s in our state laws, so it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. Texas. It’s the Ravenloft expansion for America.
I’m working on websites right now, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing but it’s important that I learn so I’m stumbling through some Dreamweaver tutorials. I really, really, really need things to look better on this site.
Welcome to a new story that I have been working on, called Feef. I will be updating every Monday from now on, forever, until the whole story is finished.
It’s a story about horrible things that happen to horrible people and also computers. I hope you like it.